YG teens YG teens


The YMCA’s Youth & Government program is a statewide initiative that brings civic education and leadership to life for middle and high school students. Through partnerships with schools, civic organizations, and YMCAs, we offer hands-on learning experiences that immerse kids in the workings of state government.

Students join clubs in the fall and meet regularly throughout the year. Each club is led by an adult sponsor, usually a teacher, with guidance and support from YMCA staff and volunteers. Students can dive into one of four exciting areas: Legislative, Judicial, Media, or the State Affairs Forum.

What Is YMCA Youth & Government?
Youth & Government (YG) is a nationally recognized civic engagement program designed to inspire teens. Participants learn YMCA Core Values while navigating the world of politics alongside their peers. The program helps students grow by:

  • Understanding local, state, national, and global issues.
  • Learning how to research, write, and debate public issues.
  • Exploring careers in public service.
  • Connecting with youth and adult leaders in decision-making roles.
  • Gaining skills in diplomacy and peaceful conflict resolution.
  • Appreciating the diversity of opinions and learning empathy and respect for others.
  • Developing leadership skills and understanding citizenship responsibilities in a democracy.
  • Building self-confidence and a positive self-image to succeed in education and future careers.
  • Embracing values like servant leadership, civic engagement, voting, and volunteerism.

Join us in shaping the next generation of leaders!

YMCA Model United Nations


Program registration is restricted to those students who belong to a Youth and Government club at their school or YMCA. If your child's school does not have a club, please contact: jbruda@ymcadallas.org.

To register your child for the Youth and Government program, please visit the State YAG website for more information. Registration information for the 2024-2025 school year will be available in the fall!

YMCA Achievers


The Youth and Government program functions under the umbrella of local YMCA’s. Due to this structure, local teachers receive YMCA resources and staff as additional club support.

Clubs meet weekly at the leisure of the club advisor and club president, usually deciding on a day that suits the full team. All clubs are encouraged to have a minimum of 10 students to begin while also focusing on one section during their first year. Sections are usually selected by advisor preference or school interest.



Share Our Program
Engage with local civic and professional organizations to spread the word about our program. After our state conference, join us in lobbying at the Capitol to support bills and initiatives that matter to teens.
Refer Volunteers
Encourage volunteers to join our program and make an impact. Speak with local school officials about starting a club on their campus to help expand our reach.
Talk About Our Mission
Share our program with everyone you meet! Every conversation counts. Become a member of the Texas State Alliance and join a community dedicated to advocating for youth all year long.


Youth & Government Staff

Jessica Bruda

Association Director of Teen Programming

Princess Bunton

Regional Teen Director

Cameron McLemore

Regional Teen Director

Stedman Allen

Regional Teen Director