At the Y, we work every day to help them set and achieve their personal and educational goals. As a result, thousands of young adults throughout the community gain confidence as they recognize the Y as a place where they belong and can feel comfortable exploring new interests and passions.
Additionally, through our leadership and academic enrichment programs such as Youth and Government, Model United Nations and Achievers college and career preparation, the Y makes sure that every child has an opportunity to envision and pursue a positive future, and to take an active role in strengthening his or her community.

Youth and Government
Youth and Government is a nationwide YMCA program in which students learn the mechanics of government and the media by participating in hands-on activities int their school club or at a local YMCA.

Model United Nations
YMCA Texas Model United Nations is a youth development program in which 6th-12th grade students simulate the United Nations as member states who meet to solve pressing global problems through the art of compromise and diplomacy.

The YMCA Achievers programs is a national college readiness program designed to prepare teens for the next step in their education through academic support, career exploration and mentoring.

Teen Camp
Through different weekly themes, teens are inspired and empowered as they experience traditional camp as they swim, work in teams, play fun games, and make new friends. Available at select YMCA locations throughout the summer, Teen Camp offers teens a chance to work together, learn new skills, and discover new things about themselves.

Teen Afterschool at Park South

Teen Staff
Stedman Allen - sallen@ymcadallas.org
Jessica Bruda - jbruda@ymcadallas.org
Princess Bunton - pbunton@ymcadallas.org
Kennedy Lewis - klewis@ymcadallas.org
Cameron McLemore - cmclemore@ymcadallas.org
Kaley Niette - kniette@ymcadallas.org
Loletha Horton - lhorton@ymcadallas.org