Corrie’s Decade of Volleyball Leadership

I first heard about the YMCA volleyball program in 2012 while volunteering at Forest Vista Elementary School. My interest was piqued when I overheard another parent discussing volleyball. She immediately asked if I could volunteer as a coach, but I had to decline due to time constraints. However, a year later, I decided to co-coach a team to learn the ropes. Bill Cadman, the sports coordinator at the time, entrusted me with his own team. That spring 2013 volleyball season turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life.
Since then, I have coached approximately 35 YMCA teams and assisted with a few others. In 2015, due to the high demand for volleyball coaches, I began coaching two teams per season. In the past, entire teams of players have been turned away because there weren't enough coaches.
As you may know, Bill Cadman retired in 2013, and many sports coordinators have come and gone over the years. Despite the ups and downs of the volleyball program, I have been fortunate to work with our long-time referee, Andre Dangerfield. Andre has been a stable, consistent, and loyal advocate for the YMCA volleyball program for 20 years. Inspired by his dedication, I have strived to be another stable force for the program. Andre often says, “I am loyal to the program,” and the YMCA’s motto is, “Child First, Sport Second.” I have wholeheartedly adopted both sayings in my mission statement.
Through my volunteer coaching at the YMCA, I have met many amazing families in Flower Mound, Highland Village, Lewisville, Double Oak, and surrounding areas. My YMCA coaching experience led me to start my own small business, Coach Corrie Volleyball LLC. Thanks to the YMCA, we have a thriving volleyball community in Flower Mound. The Cross Timbers YMCA volleyball program serves as the first step for girls aiming for club, high school, and college volleyball. It’s also a fantastic way for young adults to develop their leadership skills.
Since I began coaching in 2013, I have had the pleasure of working with many former players who have stepped up to help me coach the younger generation. Watching these kids grow up has been one of my greatest honors.